How to make a histogram in excel 2016 on pc
How to make a histogram in excel 2016 on pc

how to make a histogram in excel 2016 on pc

Since the size of the set is managable, here is what the result of the Histogram command looks like, This file has 30 million numbers in a tab-separated format. I'll work with a file that is ~500MB, that I created using this code, but this should work no matter the file size. Below, I am assuming that we know the max, min, and number of data points. I think it is necessary to know the bins you are going to use. So what we want to do is to create a histogram of data in a large file. That brings up the point that sometimes you may want to generate a histogram on a data set so large that you could not hold it all in memory at one time. Using Sjoerd's answer method I was able to generate the list of bins and bincounts much faster than the read-and-bin method I outline below, but on my data and my machine it took a very long time and used up so much RAM that my machine wasn't usable. Took all of my 8GB of RAM and eventually crashed the kernel. Just trying to do a histogram on the data hlist = HistogramList // AbsoluteTiming Using ReadList at least worked, temp = ReadList // AbsoluteTimingīut it took almost 15 minutes and MemoryInUse returned 6393810904. Takes longer than it took to clean my office so I quit that.

how to make a histogram in excel 2016 on pc

My data file has one floating point number per line and the number of lines is wc -l datafile.dat I just so happen to have a 4GB data file laying around, so I thought I might give this a try.

How to make a histogram in excel 2016 on pc